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House prices 'to fall for the next five years' in longest property slump for a lifetime

Published 05th May 2011

House prices in Britain will fall for the next five years in the longest slump for at least half a century, leading economists warn today.

Property values in the UK are set to fall 4.5 per cent this year and 10.5 per cent by the end of 2015, according to the National Institute of Economic and Social Research.

The five-year slump in real terms – after inflation has been taken into account – is the longest period of decline since records began in the 1960s.

‘The prospects for the housing market are very weak indeed over the next five years and that will weaken economic growth very significantly,’ said NIESR economist Ray Barrell.

‘It will be the longest period of falling house prices that we have seen,’ he added.

The bleak report adds to the gloom surrounding the housing market and the wider economy.

The economy has stagnated since last autumn with growth of 0.5 per cent in the first quarter of the year, merely clawing back output lost in the snow at the end of 2010.

Mr Barrell said falling house prices will have a knock-on effect on household spending and hold back the economy over the next few years.

‘There is very clear evidence that house prices affect savings and consumption,’ he said. ‘People spend more when house prices are going up, and spend less when they are going down.’

The UK will avoid a double-dip but the recovery is set to be ‘sluggish’, according to NIESR, with growth of just 1.4 per cent this year and 2 per cent in 2012.

That is less than the 1.7 per cent and 2.5 per cent expected by the Treasury.

The report comes a day after figures from the Land Registry showed the average property fell by 1.1 per cent in value in March to £160,996, leaving prices 2.3 per cent lower than a year ago.

Building society Nationwide said prices fell another 0.2 per cent in April.

There was better news in the mortgage market with loans for house purchases up from 46,708 in February to 47,557 in March, according to figures from the Bank of England.

But mortgage lending is still around half the level seen before the housing boom turned to bust.

NIESR predicts ‘real house prices’ – values after inflation has been taken into account – will fall 4.5 per cent this year and an average of 1.5 per cent a year for the subsequent four years.

It follows a 3 per cent rise last year when prices were boosted by the Bank of England’s £200billion money-printing programme.

NIESR reckons house prices fell 4 per cent in 2008 and 9.5 per cent in 2009 in real terms – leaving just one positive year in eight by the end of 2015.

Paul Diggle, property economist at research group Capital Economics, said NIESR’s gloomy house price forecasts were still ‘too optimistic’.

He added: ‘The housing market is not going anywhere at all at the moment.

‘Prices are flat but we think the housing market has considerably further to fall. Prices are over- valued, perhaps to the tune of 20 per cent.’

He said the ‘yawning gap’ between house prices and earnings needs to be closed by falling property values before the market can stabilise.

Robert Gardner, chief economist at Nationwide, said: ‘A strong rebound in the market remains unlikely as the recovery is still expected to remain modest by historic standards.

‘In our view, the most likely outcome is that house prices will continue to move sideways or drift modestly lower through 2011.’

Source: ' ThisIsMoney '

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