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Professionals Login Here is the UK's leading Property Services Directory, that has been created by Property Professionals to win more business for Property Professionals. From Solicitors, Surveyors, Architects, Structural Engineers, Mortgage Brokers, Insurance Brokers, to Builders, Damp & Timber Treatments to Removal & Storage specialists - in short Professionals in any business related to the property industry.

The Directory is a "one stop shop" that enables those acquiring both residential and commercial property to find the Professionals they require. From solicitors and surveyors to mortgage brokers and builders. We are currently receiving an average of 1900 hits each day! Therefore is THE service that gets results. Join us today. And remember - it's a fact that the paid for paper advertising market is rapidly declining and that Internet based advertising is rapidly increasing…so don't get left behind !

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As a busy property professional you probably don't have the time to spend chasing new business. Now there's an easy, and cost-effective way to attract customers looking for you!
The Directory is a "one stop shop" that enables those acquiring both residential and commercial property to find the Professionals they require. From solicitors and surveyors to mortgage brokers and builders. The Web based Directory is currently receiving an average hit rate of 1,940 each day! How successful would your business be if you received nearly 2,000 new enquiries every day. Therefore is THE service that gets results. Join us today. And remember - it's a fact that the paid for paper advertising market is rapidly declining and that Internet based advertising is rapidly increasing…so don't get left behind !

Try Our Service - Risk Free - "Credit Crunch" Special Offer.

We have a Special Offer for membership of our service - £ 99.00 . - that’s only £99 for a whole years membership. That's only 27 pence per day for a whole years membership - or to put it another way you could recoup this by just one customer received as a result of our service!
It is natural to question whether you will receive the response to justify this investment. Because we are so confident that our service will produce results for you - in order to allow you to take advantage of our service at absolutely no risk - we offer you the ability to simply write to us within 90 days of taking out your membership to cancel for a FULL refund. No hassle, no questions asked … and you can keep any business generated with our compliments!
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