Landlords push out first-time buyers: Banks STILL refuse youngsters loans
20th Jul 2011
A ‘perfect storm’ is sweeping the property market, putting homes out of the reach of first-time buyers and into the hands of buy-to-let investors.
The tempting deals offered by banks have seen landlords cashing in and snapping up properties which would be ideal for first-time buyers.
There was a 25 per cent increase in the number of mortgages (including remortgages) taken out by landlords between January and March this year, compared with the same period in 2010. Of this, there was a 15 per cent surge in the number of house purchases.
At the same time, there was a 17 per cent fall in the number of first-time buyers taking out loans, according to figures by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML).
There are now 486 different mortgages for landlords to choose from, but just 270 for typical first-time buyers with a 10 per cent deposit, according to financial data provider Moneyfacts.
Melanie Bien, director at mortgage broker Private Finance, says: ‘Canny landlords are cashing in on a perfect storm of rising rents, falling mortgage rates and stagnant property prices. For landlords, the future is bright.
‘Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for first-time buyers struggling to save a deposit.’
First-time buyers vs landlords - they can't compete
First-time buyers, who have little deposit and small incomes, cannot compete against landlords who usually have large cash sums to put down as deposits for houses.
Landlords can also offset mortgage interest payments against the tax they would pay on their rental income, saving them further money.
CML figures show 7,200 fewer mortgages were granted to first-time buyers in the first three months of 2011, compared with the same period in 2010.
In the same period, the number of mortgages granted to landlords grew by 5,600 — of this, the number of loans for new purchases increased by 2,000.
The CML says, overall, there are still double the amount of first-time buyers than landlords. But this does not reflect the sheer number of first-time buyers shut out of the market.
With average house prices down by 3 per cent since their peak in 2008, and prices still falling in many regions, first-time buyers are seen as a risk by many banks.
As they usually have only small deposits, they are more likely to suffer negative equity when prices drop. Many first-time buyers are also on low incomes, so they use a large portion of their take-home pay on mortgage repayments.
Catherine Hull, 48, gave up her blood technician job last year to become a landlord.
Mrs Hull,together with her husband Martin, 49, who owns a haulage company, has made tens of thousands of pounds after buying four cheap properties in Grimsby and Cleethorpes, doing them up and renting them or selling them.
She says: ‘There are lots of good opportunities for landlords. Rents are rising and you can increase the value of the property if you choose the house carefully.’
One of the Hulls’ recent investments was bought for £45,000 in March, with a two-year fixed rate at The Mortgage Works at 4.19 per cent.
They had a deposit of £13,050, so their interest-only mortgage payments are £112 per month. It is now on sale for £80,000.
Stephanie Polsky, 36, will have to save a deposit of £45,000 to buy a home in London.
Dr Polsky is one of thousands of young professionals stuck renting, because prices in the capital are so expensive. She lives with three friends in Southfields, south-west London, and pays £650 per month rent.
She says: ‘I know I will need to move farther out where it’s cheaper, so I was looking three miles from here. But even a one-bedroom flat costs £250,000.’
Dr Polsky, an academic director at a study-abroad organisation, was told by her bank that she would be better off with a 20 per cent deposit so she could qualify for a lower interest rate.
‘I need to save £45,000 in total. It’s a long and frustrating process.’
And rents are rising, helping landlords
The glut of potential buyers unable to get on the housing ladder is causing a boom for landlords. Average rents hit a record high in June, surging beyond the £700 per month barrier for the first time ever, according to lettings agency group LSL Property Services.
Landlords in London are getting an average of £1,006 per month from tenants.
David Newnes, estate agency managing director of LSL, says: ‘Tenant demand continues to reach ever higher peaks — and there simply isn’t enough rental property coming on to the market to match it. We’ve had five successive months of rent rises, but there is no sign of a let-up any time soon.’
Big deposits - the barrier to entry
While rising rents are great for landlords, it makes it even harder for first-time buyers to save enough for a deposit. Youngsters need at least a 10 per cent deposit to get a mortgage, or 25 per cent to benefit from cheap deals. And while property prices have fallen, they are still relatively high.
A typical first-time buyer has a deposit of around £25,000 — 20 per cent of their property’s value, according to the CML. This would take seven years to save if you put away a massive £300 per month.
New buyers must also have an excellent credit record and enough income to pass strict affordability tests.
David Hollingworth, mortgage adviser at broker London & Country, says: ‘Even if you are able to save a big deposit, it may still be difficult to get a mortgage.
‘First-time buyers are often subject to more stringent lending criteria, so if they have moved a lot or have missed credit card payments, for example, it can be a problem.’
What's happening to mortgages?
Rates are also high. Those with a 25 per cent deposit can fix for two years with Yorkshire BS at 2.99 per cent. The best fix for a 10 per cent deposit is 4.39 per cent with Chelsea BS. Monthly repayments on a £150,000 mortgage would be £711 and £824 respectively.
So dire is the situation that housing minister Grant Schapps has stepped in, offering government ‘equity loans’ and urging banks to offer ‘mates mortgages’, where groups of friends can club together to buy. But while banks are still unwilling to lend to first-time buyers, many have slashed the cost of deals for landlords to attract business.
Last week, The Mortgage Works, Nationwide’s buy-to-let arm, reduced rates. And Mortgage Trust has launched 18 new buy-to-let products for those with at least 25 per cent equity.
Skipton BS has also reduced rates, with its two-year buy-to-let fixed rate at 3.99 per cent with a £995 fee for landlords with a 40 per cent deposit. Interest-only payments would be £499.
An average two-year fixed rate on a buy-to-let deal for those with a 25 per cent deposit is 5.03 per cent. Repayments on an interest-only basis would be £629, and this expense is tax deductable.
The average fixed rate for first-time buyers with a 10 per cent deposit is 5.72 per cent, according to Moneyfacts. So a buyer with a £150,000 repayment mortgage would pay a whopping £941 a month.
A spokeswoman for trade body the Council of Mortgage Lenders says: ‘The reduction in first-time buyers can be attributed far more to ongoing deposit constraints than to displacement by buy-to-let landlords.’
Source: '
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